Browse by Time Period


Facts about English monarchs
Clayton and Bell
Lady Godiva
The Oxford Martyrs


Agrarian Revolution

History of Britain - the full text of the 1912 book 'A History of the British Nation' - in-depth history of Britain and the Empire.

English Culture
What makes England English? From hedgerows to the history of tea, Explore the culture of England.

British Battles
Our account of the major battles fought on British soil - who fought, why, and what was the result?

British Biography
Our look at the lives of people in the fields of art, architecture, science, and literature throughout British history. From Geoffrey Chaucer to William Morris, Christopher Wren to Isaac Newton.

English Architecture - The story of English architecture, from prehistoric monuments to the 20th century, covering the evolution of period styles and major buildings to visit in England.

London History

Also see "London History" in our London Guide.

Historic Churches in Britain

Illustrated Dictionary of British Church History and Architecture
Illustrated Dictionary of Church History and Architecture
A visual guide to British Churches from Saxon to Victorian Gothic.

Just for Fun


History of Wales - History of Scotland