Prepare a Yorkshire Pudding batter:

¼ cup of bacon dripping
½ cup milk
1 egg, well-beaten
½ cup sifted all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon salt

Fry sausages and lay them in the batter. Bake as for yorkshire pudding:

Temp: 450º F Time: 10 - 15 min. If you use a glass pie plate turn the heat down 25°F.

Detailed directions

Combine a well-beaten egg and milk; beat till light. Gradually beat in sifted flour and salt; beat with dover beater till smooth. Let stand 30 minutes.

Put about 2 tablespoons bacon dripping into pan or divided up between 6 large muffin tins or into an 8"x8" pan. Heat in oven, make sure you watch pan as it will start to smoke! Pour batter into hot pan; and lay in your sausages. Serves 4.

The trick is the hot fat and the hot oven. Don't keep opening the oven to check. Serve immediately as it will deflate as it gets cold. Pour nice beef gravy over top.

Serve with Mash Potatoes, Marrowfat Peas and Gravy

Recipe suggested by John Tracey.
Original Yorkshire Pudding recipe
Toad in the Hole alternate recipe
Luxury Toad in the Hole

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