What is an RSS Feed?
The normal explanation is that RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication', although an alternative explanation is RDF Site Summary, or Rich Site Summary. In layman's terms that means that RSS is a way for you to keep up to date with subjects that interest you without having to browse around to your favourite websites.
We've set up a few feeds for your enjoyment. To get the most out of the feeds you will need a feed reader, which can be web-based, desktop-based, or use a mobile device. A few popular free feed readers are Google Reader and Omea Reader. If you don't have a feed reader, or don't want to set one up, don't despair! Most modern browsers and email software will also have an option to subscribe to feeds. Just click the Subscribe option in your browser window when you are on the feed page.
BRITAIN EXPRESS FEEDS: (more will be added very soon)
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