Skara Brae Photos

Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
The village is surrounded by a raised walkway. You can look down into the huts, but for preservation purposes you cannot walk into the huts themselves
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
Your visit to Skara Brae begins with this reconstruction of a stone house, based on archaeological excavations on the site
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
The interior of the reconstructed hut, showing a central hearth, a stone cupboard, and working areas
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
Not your typical Ikea shelving unit! The stone shelves in the reconstructed hut
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
A short walk from the reconstructed hut brings you to the remains of the village at Skara Brae. The village looks out over a lovely beach and Skaill Bay
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
The best preserved hut interior features a 'stone cupboard' with hearth area to the left
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
Much of the village is covered in turf, as can be seen here
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
An overview of the village. The hearth of the nearest hut is indicated by reddish earth
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
A passage joining huts, with the Bay of Skaill beyond. The location is quite magnificent
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
The rounded shape of the huts is readily seen here
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
Exterior hut wall
Photo of Skara Brae stone village, Skaill, Orkney
Looking down into a hut. You can clearly see the hearth area, and slabs used to create interior partitions

Skara Brae visitor information

Photos are available for use in publishing or other image licensing, please contact Britain Express image library

All images are © David Ross

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