Westbury Court Gardens Photo Gallery
Westbury Court Gardens is a rare restored water garden dating
from the early 18th century.
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The house at Westbury has long disappeared. Only two buildings remain; a summer house and this larger viewing house
The largest canal terminates in a T shape cross-canal. In the centre is this classical statue
This small summer house stands at the far corner of the larger canal
The main feature of Westbury are its two long canals, lined with box hedges
A small fountain stands at the western end of the westernmost canal
A recreation of a 17th century rabbit warren
A summer house, or gazebo, sits at the north east corner of the gardens
Another view of the summer house
This 1705 engraving by Kip depicts Westbury in all its glory
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All images are © David Ross
Visiting Westbury Court Garden
Westbury's historic parish church