World Heritage Day Events
Posted: 2012-04-12
April 18 is World Heritage Day, a day to celebrate history and culture. This year is an extra bit special as it is the 40th anniversary of World Heritage Day. In 1972, the International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) suggested to UNESCO that a special day be set aside to celebrate world heritage, particularly historic sites and monuments.
The idea took hold, and each year the special day gains greater publicity. (NB. Don't confuse World Heritage Day with Heritage Open Days, a British concept which is celebrated annually in September).
When I realised that World Heritage Day was approaching I thought it would an ideal opportunity to remind everyone just how important our cultural heritage and history is - and just how extraordinarily blessed we are in the UK at the amazing range of fantastic heritage sites we have on our doorsteps.
So I went looking for a list of events that I could share. And I looked, and I looked. Surely there must be a 'master list' somewhere of events across the UK? Well, if there is, I couldn't find it. It seems that different heritage sites in Britain are left to plan and promote their own heritage events.
Well, I won't let that stop me. Here is a list of links to the major events planned for World Heritage Day 2012 across the UK. Hopefully, there will be something in your area, but if there's not, may I make a suggestion? Why not visit a historic site near you, even if it isn't holding a special Heritage Day event? Pop into a castle, see a stately home, or just poke about in a quiet country church. Enjoy a bit of the wonderfully rich heritage of the UK.
Note that some of the events are not being held exactly on 18 April! If you know of any more events, contact me.
Links to Events:
Antonine Wall (Historic Scotland)
Stonehenge and Avebury
Edinburgh - lecture on World Heritage and Economic Regeneration
New Lanark - (14 & 15 April)
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