The core of the Bodnant collection grew from seedlings brought back from voyages across the world by the Pochin family. Five generations of Pochins travelled the world in search of unusual plant species and brought cuttings and seedlings back to Wales. Among the more unusual delights at Bodnant are dwarf daffodils, winter jasmine and heathers, and trees that specialise in artistically peeling bark.
The gardens cover 80 acres (32 hectares), with winding paths through a wonderfully varied landscape with superb views. Though it is the lily pool that most often appears in photos of Bodnant, my favourite part of the garden was the dell, with luxuriant undergrowth and tall, slender trees, arched footbridges, small streams, and the swiftly running River Hiraethlyn. This is a magical area, a beautifully lush fantasy garden.

We came on a dull, drab day, but there was nothing dull or drab about the gardens! The planting is so richly varied that at every turn there was someting new to see. Our family had a really wonderful time; there was plenty of space for children to run about, and lots for adults to enjoy at a more sedate pace!
Our family visited Bodnant for the second time on a return trip to Snowdonia. My wife's words pretty well sum up our experience, 'that is the best garden we've visited in Britain'. High praise indeed, but hard to argue with. We were fortunate enough to visit on a sunny afternoon in late August, and the colours were simply stunning. The formal gardens near the house were resplendent with flowers in bloom, and I was struck by the peaceful and elegant Italianate terraces above the lily pond. The dell was cool and lush with growth, a lovely space to linger on a warm summer's day.