Fife - Historic Churches
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Only a side apse survives of a Dominican friary church, built in the early 16th century. Blackfriars (so named for the black habits worn by the Dominican order) was a large monastery established by Bishop William Wishart (1272-1279).
South Street, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Heritage Rating: ?
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St Bridget's Church at Dalgety is a ruinous 12th-century building on the edge of the cliffs looking over Dalgetty Bay. The church first enters the historical records in 1178 when it is mentioned in a papal bull, so it must have ben in existence for some time before that.
A921, Dalgety, Fife, Scotland
Heritage Rating: ?
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The paltry ruins of the earliest collegiate church in Scotland stand on the cliff top behind St Andrews Cathedral. Otherwise known as the 'Church of the Blessed Mary of the Rock', or simply St Mary on the Rocks, St Mary's was built in the 12th century on the site of a 9th century Culdee Church.
St Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Heritage Rating: ?
Heritage Highlight: The first collegiate church in Scotland
Nearest Self Catering Cottages
The remains of Scotland's largest cathedral, established in 1160, include 16th-century precept walls, 12th and 13th-century gables and south wall. St Rule's Tower - in the cathedral grounds - is part of the first Augustinian church. In the grounds is a museum with a collection of early Christian and medieval monuments and relics.
The Pends, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, KY16 9QL
Heritage Rating: ?
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The 12th-century church of St Athernase at Leuchars has been called perhaps the finest example of Romanesque church architecture in Scotland. The church stands on a mound in the centre of the village, which is best known today for its annual air show and the nearby RAF base.
Schoolhill, Leuchars, Fife, Scotland, KY16 0HQ
Heritage Rating: ?
Heritage Highlight: Superb Romanesque apse with blind arcading and carved heads
Nearest Self Catering Cottages
Set into a sandstone cliff face near Pittenweem's picturesque harbour is a natural cave said to have been occupied by St Fillan around AD 640. Fillan is said to have written sermons in the cave by the light of his glowing left arm. The monks of Pittenweem Priory built a passage from the cave to the Priory grounds. The cave was later used by smugglers.
Cove Wynd, Pittenweem, Fife, Scotland, KY10 2QP
Attraction Type: Church - Cave
Heritage Rating: ?
Heritage Highlight: Reputedly occupied by St Fillan
Nearest Self Catering Cottages
High on the cliffs above the Firth of Forth stands the Auld Kirk of St Monans. The kirk stands on the site of a shrine to a 9th-century hermit. The present church dates to at least the 13th century and was rebuilt by King David II in 1262, in thanks for his escape from a storm while crossing the Firth.
Braehead, St Monans, Fife, Scotland, KY10 2AL
Heritage Rating: ?
Heritage Highlight: One of the oldest churches in Scotland still in use
Nearest Self Catering Cottages