'A History of the British Nation' by AD Innes, 1912, published by TC & EC Jack, London
A History of the British Nation starts really getting into its stride in its coverage of the so-called 'Dark Ages'. In reality, of course, the Dark ages were anything but dark, though the scarcity of written records means that historians have to work harder to unearth the facts about this long and often violent period in British history. Check our main Dark Ages history section for more on this period.

Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain
Sixth Century Britain
Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
King Ine and Offa of Mercia
Wessex and the Danes
The Danes in Dark Ages Britain
Alfred the Great and the Danes
Alfred the Great's Legacy
Alfred the Great's Successors
Aethelstan (Athelstan)
King Edgar
Aethelred the Unready (Ethelred)
Edmund Ironside
King Canute (Knut)
Harthacanute (Harthaknut)
Malcolm Canmore and the real MacBeth
King Harold and William of Normandy
King Harold and 1066
Anglo-Saxon Society and Culture
The Witan, or Anglo-Saxon council
Anglo-Saxon Clan System
The Anglo-Saxon Legal System
Anglo-Saxon Land Ownership
Anglo-Saxon Villages
I picked up this wonderful book at a second-hand bookshop in Calgary, Canada, several decades ago. Since it is now more than 70 years since Mr Innes's death in 1938, we can share the complete text of this book with Britain Express readers.
As you read, be aware that some of the author's views may not be accepted by modern historians, but it is worth reading as a period piece of British attitudes in the years leading up to the First world War.