- Aethelbald of Wessex (reigned 858-860)
- Aethelberht of Wessex (reigned 860-866)
- Aethelred I of Wessex (reigned 866-871)
- Aethelwulf (Ethelwulf) (reigned 839-858)
- Alfred the Great (reigned 871-899)
- Alcuin of York
- Athelstan (reigned 925-940)
- Bede
- Eadred (reigned 946-955)
- Edmund the Magnificent (Edmund I) (reigned 940-946)
- Edward the Elder (reigned 899-925)
- Egbert of Wessex (reigned 802-839)
- Gildas
- St Aidan
- St Cuthbert
- St Dunstan
Daily Life
- Anglo-Saxon Architecture
- Anglo-Saxon Burhs (planned towns)
- Anglo-Saxon Life
- Anglo-Saxon Life-kinship and lordship
- Early Christian England
What can be seen today?
- Anglo-Saxon churches
- Anglo-Saxon Remains - a gospel, a jewel, and place names
- The Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon treasure
- Anglo-Saxon attractions in Britain
London History
Also see "Anglo-Saxon London" in our "London History"section.
Britain in the Dark Ages - from 'A History of the British Nation' (1912)